Saturday, February 20, 2010

Magical Power

So I am going to have a baby and the day dream of laying down on my bed, especially from 5:30 - dinner time is like dreaming of happy bliss.
Scott comes home from work and the house is in a state of loudness to say the least. I am getting dinner started. Scott takes over everything and tells me to go rest if I want. I want! So I go upstairs away from the "loudness" (a nice way of saying ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) and ... wait for it... Relax. It's funny because I can't sleep I am too entertained by the conversations happening between father and kids. I also sorta wonder if Scott is OK. (Sometimes he asks me where common things are in our house/kitchen. It blows my mind every time he ask me because wow... he really doesn't know where the trash bags are or the cleaner!)
Back to my point though! He makes the most delicious meal and sends J and E to get me for dinner. It was awesome. While I was resting Scott took this picture of all the kids reading. I love this picture. I also don't understand how it happened. When I make dinner Kirsten is holding on for dear life to both my legs. Scott is just magic I guess.


Jana Sorensen said...

He is magical! That is the sweetest thing Ever! Good job Scott! And I miss you!

dedesmith32 said...

Way to go Scott! So glad you got a rest Bev - I miss you! Hope you are doing great!

Britt said...

I'm so glad your day dream came true! Way to go, Scott! 5:30 is the witching hour at our house, too.:)

syerke said...

Scott has always had a magic trick up his sleeve. I didn't know you were expecting number 4!! Congrats! I hope you will have many more magical days to come!

Jamie and Caro said...

Yeah! We are both going to have babies, how fun. Glad to see you to some much needed rest, I know I need it daily. Scott is a champ! When are you due?

Unknown said...

That was PURE luck babe! Thanks for making me look good on your blog though. I love you.