This is my "precious" grandma Glover. She always calls us precious and is so extra sweet and loving. She is not so good with her memory anymore but she was having a great day this day that we visited her. She was looking at a picture of grandpa and she said in her frail little voice, "He is so Handsome isn't he?" She also said she misses him and that she wishes he would come and get her. She noticed I was pregnant and she said I was having a boy, which is fun because we are not finding out this time so I think that is inspired, she only had boys though so that might be why she thinks I am having one. She lights up when she sees our kids and once while I was visiting she asked me to tell them about her. It is emotionally difficult to visit every time but so important and I wish I could be there more. The kids sang songs to her and she sang along. It is always hard to see her suffer but she never fails to be thankful and so extra sweet.
what a sweet picture! Josy will love this picture for ever, how special:) xoxo
So Sweet! I love all your new pictures!
So I had no idea that your blog existed until now. How exciting! I'm so glad I found it so I can keep tabs on you guys! Hope you're doing good. Love ya!
My wife is trying to get into this blog phenominon here is here site. www.thefamilysorensen.blogspot.com.
Good times....
- Devin
Glad I found you!!! Cute family...your kids are getting big.
Your kids are so dang cute Bev. I'm glad I found your blog. It's fun to check everone's blog and so how everone is doing. Tell your family Hi for me -K-
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